Scholastic Forums Wiki

Welcome to the Scholastic Forums Wiki!

We're a community of writers, artists, and roleplayers who hail from the Scholastic forums of old. Of course, you don't have to be from the forums to join our community, but that's why we're called such. Anyway, you can read more about our community here!

We hope you decide to stay, no matter what corner of the internet you're from. We have a lot to offer, so feel free to look around! Remember to have fun, and watch out for the-

-mysterious growling is heard from the cotton candy beneath our feet-

Uh, nope! We don't have candy monsters here! Not at all!

Anyway, please read the rules and editing guidelines before editing, and remember to listen to the staff (don't worry, we're chill). Other than that, once again, have fun!
